by Sandy
Today December 9, throughout the world in all of the homes of THE LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR, there is a twofold celebration for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. During Fr. Tim’s homily, he poignantly pointed out that Jesus could not be in, grow, or be born from a womb that was contaminated by sin. This is why God, our Creator, gave the grace to Mary to be conceived and born without the effects of original sin. Can’t you just visualize God in his “Soul Making” workshop smilingly delightfully as He created the perfect soul for Mary?
Immediately following the homily, the Little Sisters lit candles, knelt down, and renewed their vows. This simple, but moving ceremony brought applause from all who attended the Eucharistic Celebration. As Sr. Paul and Sr. Mary Emilie brought up the gifts, it was easy for one’s mind to return to God’s “Soul Making” workshop. It was as if you could hear our good Lord saying that the next set of souls should be drawn to loving and serving the elderly poor. “They must be counter cultural and work against the ‘Culture of Death’ by authentically providing care, love, and hospitality to the aged,” he thought. “These will be the souls that abandon themselves to my loving Providence. They don’t need their 15 minutes of fame in the world because they know that my love is far more desirable and rewarding.” And so with a benevolent smile and joyful tears in His eyes, our Creator formed the souls of the future Little Sisters of the Poor.
The Denver Community wishes to express their gratitude to all the past and present Little Sisters who have faithfully served here in Denver for 95 years.
The Importance of the Soul, The Immaculate Conception Feast Day 2013