Christmas comes (to the) Home
Ms. Anita Donahue, Associate of Jeanne Jugan (AJJ) Mullen Home volunteer extraordinaire, entertained our Resident noontime diners, last Friday with a reading of the classic Christmas poem, “T’was The Night Before Christmas.” The poem was first published in 1823 in the Troy Sentinel newspaper in Upstate New York. Almost one century later, the poem still lives on in the Residents at Mullen Home. Not only did they enjoy the lively rendition that Anita provided, but they were able to recite much of the verse from memory, as smiles and laughter abounded.
At the poem close, Sr. Joseph Marie engaged all Residents in song. “Santa Claus is Coming to Town,” and” We Wish You a Merry Christmas,” rang through the dining room. The enthusiasm and high spirits were palpable, and no face was left without a smile. There’s nothing like Christmas to bring out the childhood joy in everyone. And there’s nothing like volunteers to help make the world a better place, especially here at Mullen Home.
Sharing gifts with our Residents lovingly provided by the neighboring parish, St. Joseph’s Polish Church located in Globeville. Merry Christmas!
Christmas comes (to the) Home