God Wants to Welcome us Home
This year, we were privileged to welcome Bishop Jorge Rodriguez to preach the Resident’s retreat. Despite his busy schedule, Bishop Rodriguez remained with us the entire day beginning at 10 am to 4 p.m. The retreat consisted of two conferences, the celebration of reconciliation and the Eucharistic Sacrifice of the Mass. Bishop Rodriguez also enjoyed dinner with our Resident priests. During the day, he went around and visited each Resident in their room to give them a blessing.
The focus and theme of the Retreat was based on the act of Reconciliation. Bishop reminded us all that we have a greater appreciation for the sacraments when we live as Christians. There is a need to abandon oneself to the Love of Jesus who transforms us through the power of grace. Confession is a Sacrament of Love. We are all lost children, but God wants to welcome us home.
God Wants to Welcome us Home