What Visitors Can Do to Help Combat the Spread of COVID-19
Many visitors often ask: “what can I do to help combat the spread of COVID-19?”
Little Sisters of the Poor Mullen Home is proud to announce there is a new program offered by the State, which offers Coloradans free at home rapid tests.
• The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment is providing free rapid tests to Coloradans.
• This new program help ensure Coloradans have access to multiple free COVID-19 testing options.
• Through ongoing testing, Coloradans can help slow the spread of COVID-19.
• Colorado is distributing free rapid COVID-19 over-the-counter tests directly to resident’s homes.
• The program uses rapid antigen tests that show results within 15 minutes.
• All Coloradans can sign up for the Rapid At-Home COVID-19 program.
• Colorado is the first state in the nation to provide these tests for free to Coloradans!
If you would like to place an order for the Rapid At-Home tests you can go to the following webpage: https://covidathometesting.colorado.gov/
If you have questions regarding the program you can contact Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment at the following email address: cdphe covidtesting@state.co.us
If you are looking for free local testing sites you can go to the following webpage: https://covid19.colorado.gov/testing
Also, each US household in the U.S. is able to obtain four free COVID-19 at-home tests shipped directly to their home at no cost. All you need to do is visit the following webpage to place your order: https://COVIDtests.gov
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment CDPHE
Combat the Spread of COVID-19