On September 8th, while making our annual visit to St. Louis Parish for financial support, we met a very generous young Scout. We asked him his name, how old he was and what grade he was in. “My name is William; I am 7 years old and in the second grade.” I then told him that was the hardest year of my life. “Oh really”, he replied, “It is my best. I learned to do a summersault!”
That weekend, the scouts were selling popcorn to raise money for their many activities and we promised to buy some the next day. I handed William one of our newsletters and when he opened it I began to reach for the donation envelope inside. “Please, I want it,” he said. “I can make a donation. I’ll empty my piggy bank.” William returned the next day with his donation envelope and all his savings. Before we departed, a mother of one of the scouts bought $50.00 worth of popcorn for us to bring home. Thank you Jesus for William and each of the Boy Scouts of America!