In loving memory of his gentle heart – Ray Brady, a former Resident of Mullen Home; In honor of Paula Bridenstine –special sister of our own Director of Nursing, Sharon Bridenstine; Msgr. Harley Schmitt, A Roman Gentleman – former Denver Little Sisters of the Poor Chaplain. These are just a few of many true blessings bestowed on Mullen Home and only a glimpse of several hundred engraved bricks paving a lovely pathway to St. Joseph!
On October 2, 2012, Residents, Sisters, staff, volunteers and benefactors enjoyed a Colorado sun-filled day as Fr. Tim gave a beautiful blessing, dedicating our new brick pathway to St. Joseph. Mother Cornelia thanked our benefactors for their generosity in buying the bricks and also thanked Peggy Dietz, in our Development office, for her hard working efforts in coordinating the work done on the pathway and repair of the monument for St. Joseph.
Stop by sometime and spend a few moments looking over all of the engraved bricks – each of them represents true blessings linked, in some special way, to Mullen Home!
True Blessings – Written in Stone!