I loved volunteering at Little Sisters of the Poor’s Mullen Home. I’m a certified nursing assistant (CNA) and a nursing student and have spent a lot of time in nursing homes. The Mullen Home for the Aged was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. The fact that the Sisters and the staff knew every Resident’s name and likes and dislikes was incredible to me. It showed how much they truly care for these people and that it’s not just a job to them, it’s a mission. The Residents seemed so happy and grateful to be there. Most nursing homes have a somber air to them, but the Little Sisters of the Poor had something that I’d never felt before in a nursing home—hope and love. The one day I spent at the Mullen Home impacted me more than I ever would have imagined. It inspired me to become involved in the Little Sisters of the Poor in my community and realize how much I’d like to work with underprivileged populations in my future career.
Elizabeth Miller, Sophomore Nursing Student
College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, Minnesota
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