We always know that St. Joseph’s day is coming when the daffodils pop their yellow heads up through the ground. St. Joseph is a special patron of the home. It was Joseph who cradled Jesus in his arms when sleep overtook him, and who taught Jesus the humble craft of working with wood. So the Little Sisters of the Poor honor the man of providence by thanking him for all the favors he grants to those who believe. At the Little Sisters’ homes around the world, St. Joseph’s feast day has traditionally been the day when the local bishop and priests come to the home to celebrate with—and to serve—the Residents. This tradition has been revived at the Mullen Home in Denver during the past few years.
This year Archbishop Charles Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. came to say Mass with several other priests. After the beautiful songs and prayers of the Mass were offered, the archbishop and his fellow priests traded their vestments for aprons and were seen heading to the dining rooms to serve the Residents their feast day lunch. Prayer cards of St. Joseph were given, as well as other gifts and treats. Many blessings were received by old and young alike.
“St. Joseph must be happy to see his children well taken care of. He will bless us.”
(St. Jeanne Jugan)
St Joseph happy to see his children happy…