Will the real Sister please stand up?! It was time, said the Residents, the Sisters had their own appreciation day – a well-deserved recognition for all they do for the Residents throughout the holiday season as well as all year long.
It was a party schemed by the Residents, Ruthie Horton, Administrator, Lindsay Graveley, Volunteer Coordinator, and Miya Rahn, the Activities Director. Residents were great sports getting dressed up in make-shift habits and taking on the personae of one of the Sisters. It was up to these “pretend Sisters” to face the “real Sisters” and express their thanks and appreciation.
The auditorium filled with laughter. After, a slide show honored the Sisters presenting pictures capturing each of the Sisters sharing their care and love of the Residents.
A special treat of popcorn and root beer was gratefully received by all who attended.
Sister Appreciation Day!