Nursing Home Week a Big Success
“Living the Aloha Spirit” proved a lively theme for this year’s National Nursing Home Week from May 11 through the 17th. Residents were kept busy all week long with activities that captured the “aloha spirit” which literally means “showing others love and respect and joyfully sharing life in order to make a better world.”
Festivities began on Mother’s Day with a mother-daughter tea that gave Residents the chance to sport their favorite hats! The following day, Residents “travelled” to Hawaii enjoying banana smoothies and, later, a rousing game of Aloha bingo. Tuesday, “spa day” relaxed them with beauty treatments and manicures; men enjoyed their very own BBQ; and Johnny R made a return appearance crooning memorable tunes. Wednesday, Hawaiian punch and island songs started the day followed by a talent show where the staff displayed their many talents to everyone’s delight. The rest of the week was busy with baking Hawaiian dishes and having a luau complete with Polynesian dancers. Beach party games and a hula hoop contest provided much merriment to the end of a great week of good food and fun. Staff, Residents, Little Sisters, and volunteers beautifully exemplified “living the Aloha Spirit!”