By Sr. Carolyn, lsp
It’s with happy memories that I look back upon this past summer–and with a bit of nostalgia, too! You see, I’m the little tree by the St. Joseph statue near the old front entrance of the Mullen Home here in Denver, and it was in the shadow of my branches that many hushed and excited conversations took place over the summer. Around mid-afternoon most days, I would welcome into my cool shade a number of young women (maybe five or six in all—most of them home on summer vacation from college) who would gather there in various groupings on different days to talk about…Guess what?… “Vocation”!
One of these women might perhaps be coming from her work day in the laundry, while another would be on her way to her evening shift as a CNA, and yet another just pausing during a day of volunteer service…but something drew them all to the comfort of my shade, where they inspired one another (and me!) with their enthusiasm, their candor about their vocational discernment (with all its excitement and struggles), and their great love of Our Lord—whose gentle voice they were hearing deep within their hearts.
These beautiful women may not realize it, but they chose the perfect spot for their rendez-vous, because—though I shall not yield their secrets—all was surely overheard by St. Joseph, who will certainly guide and protect them with his fatherly care on their discernment journey. Please pray for them, and for all those young people today whose passionate love for Christ moves them to discern a life of radical self-gift in His service.
“God wants me for himself.” (St. Jeanne Jugan)
Musings of a Tree